Which Blockchain?

Which Blockchain?

Which Blockchain? The Bitcoin White Paper was published by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008; the first Bitcoin block got mined in 2009. Since the Bitcoin protocol is open source, anyone could take the protocol, fork it (modify the code), and start their own version of P2P...
What is Blockchain?

What is Blockchain?

What is Blockchain? Blockchain builds on the idea of P2P networks and provides a universal data set that every actor can trust, even though they might not know or trust each other. It provides a shared and trusted ledger of transactions, where immutable and encrypted...


Cryptoeconomics Cryptoeconomics refers to the study of economic interaction in adversarial environments. The underlying challenge is that in decentralized P2P systems, that do not give control to any centralized party, one must assume that there will be bad actors...